Russian Lighting Research Institute named after S.I. Vavilov


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New book about LED Lighting

New book by edition prof. Julian Aizenberg has published - "LEDs and its application in lighting".




Book focuses on main characteristics of LEDs - optical and electrical properties, construction, photometrical and colormetrical parameters, methods of its measurement, moduls, clusters and control devices, method of creation of color images using LEDs, lighting devices with LEDs, OLEDs. Authors analysed perspectives of  application of LEDs in lighting. In this book you will able to find the list of international and Russian standards and other dicuments in this field. световые приборы со светодиодами, органические светодиоды.

This book is recommended for specialists in lighting engineering and electronic.

Value of the book - 1000 RUR.

You can buy this book in Moscow House of light (Dom Sveta):

106 Prospect Mira, office 346, 129626 Moscow, Russia

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