110th anniversary of the birth of G.N. Rokhlin

110th anniversary of the birth of G.N. Rokhlin
September 5 marks the 110th anniversary of the birth of Georgy Nikolaevich Rokhlin (1911 - 2005), professor, doctor of technical sciences - one of the most famous Soviet scientists in the field of light sources, a recognized patriarch of lighting science, industry and education.

Scientific and practical activities of G.N. Rokhlin began in the lighting department of the All-Union Electrotechnical Institute. IN AND. Lenin (VEI) after graduating in 1938 from the Electrophysical Faculty of MPEI. His first scientific works were devoted to the study of the influence of a magnetic field on the radiation of a mercury discharge, processes in the cathode parts of the discharge, optical characteristics of a low and high pressure mercury discharge, cadmium and zinc discharges. The results of a part of the large complex of works carried out later on the study of the optical, electrokinetic, and thermal characteristics of a high and ultrahigh pressure mercury discharge formed the content of Georgy Nikolaevich Rokhlin's Ph.D. thesis (1946). The logical outcome of this series of works was the development of lamps of the SVDSh type, which required, in addition to research, the solution of a number of fundamentally new design and technological problems associated with the production of high-pressure gas discharge lamps (HPVD).

During these years, the main direction of G.N. Rokhlin - research and use of high and ultrahigh pressure discharges in gases and metal vapors as sources of optical radiation.

During his work at VEI, and since 1952 at VNISI, where from 1953 to 1955. Georgy Nikolaevich was the head of the laboratory of light sources, and from 1960 to 1979. headed the GLVD laboratory, he directly and under his scientific supervision carried out a large number of research and development. The main, generalizing scientific and practical result of these works was the creation of principles and methods for the engineering calculation of gas-discharge lamps, the development of new more efficient types of lamps, and the introduction of important improvements in the design and manufacturing technology of existing light sources.

Georgy Nikolaevich Rokhlin laid the foundations for the principles and methods of engineering calculation based on fundamental research on the energy balance of gas-discharge lamps and general relationships between lamp parameters. One of the main components of the methods proposed by him is the thermal calculation of flasks, and these methods are widely used in the creation of new sources of radiation, both high and low pressure.

Continuous search for ways to improve lamps, new areas of their application, constant contacts with industry allowed G.N. Rokhlin with a group of employees and students to find new progressive ways to build efficient light sources and achieve high results in these areas. So, it was in the GLVD laboratory headed by Georgy Nikolaevich at VNISI that for the first time in our country MHL, NLVD, gas-discharge lamps in a metal sheath, lamps for photochemical processes, MGL with an improved color rendering index were created, which are successfully used in color television and sports programs.

The richest scientific experience and significance of G.N. Rokhlin summarized and systematized in the monographs "Gas Discharge ICs" (1966) and "Discharge ICs" (1991), which are widely known in our country and abroad and have become desktop aids for every specialist. In 1970, Georgy Nikolaevich was awarded the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences. In 1971, translated into Russian, revised and supplemented by G.N. Rokhlin and I.M. Veselnitsky book by V. Elenbas "High pressure mercury lamps". In 2001 G.N. Rokhlin published a historical excursion on gas-discharge ICs - the book "Arc Light Sources - 2000 Years".

The range of interests of Georgy Nikolaevich was extremely wide. In addition to managing his laboratory at VNISI, he was in 1962 - 1969. provided the scientific leadership of the IC quality team, thereby participating in the important work of improving the IC in the entire lamp industry. Direct assistance to the plants of the industry in the form of recommendations, designs, lectures, etc. can also be attributed to the same area of ​​​​his activity. He personally and with co-authors received more than 12 copyright certificates, published more than 60 scientific papers, 10 books, including one that has become a textbook a book dedicated to incandescent lamps - "Thermal sources of optical radiation", 1975 (together with V.S. Litvinov).

It is impossible not to note the pedagogical gift of Georgy Nikolaevich Rokhlin. Since 1955, he worked as an assistant professor, and then as a professor at the Department of Lighting Engineering and Light Sources of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, where he brought up more than one generation of specialists. He devoted a lot of energy to the training of scientific personnel of the highest qualification, supervising graduate students. Most of his students have become leading experts in the field of IP, he has created a creative school of specialists in the field of GVD.

Georgy Nikolaevich Rokhlin did a lot of social work: he was the chairman of the light sources section of the NTS VNISI, a member of the scientific and technical (NTS) and specialized Scientist On the Council of VNISI, a member of the NTS NPSP "Svetoservis", for more than 35 years he has been actively working in the Editorial Board of the journal "Svetotekhnika".

In recent years, despite his age and state of health, Georgy Nikolayevich took an active part in discussions of various scientific areas in the development of lighting technology, including ICs, in preparation for the 3rd edition of the Handbook on Lighting Engineering, being a co-author of the section "Light Sources" .

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