Russian National Committee of the International Commission on Illumination

The CIE is the oldest international non-profit organization in the field of lighting engineering. Since its inception in 1913, the CIE has become a professional organization in the field of light and lighting and has been accepted as representing the best authority on the subject and as such is recognized by ISO as an international standardization body. 

Objectives of the CIE:

  • To provide an international forum for the discussion of all matters relating to the science, technology and art in the fields of light and lighting and for the interchange of information in these fields between countries.
  • To develop basic standards and procedures of metrology in the fields of light and lighting.
  • To provide guidance in the application of principles and procedures in the development of international and national standards in the fields of light and lighting.
  • To prepare and publish standards, reports and other publications concerned with all matters relating to science, technology and art in the fields of light and lighting.
  • To maintain liaison and technical interaction with other international organizations concerned with matters related to the science, technology, standardization and art in the fields of light and lighting

About Russian NC of the CIE

Russian lighting engineers have been participating in the CIE since 1935. For more than 80 years, Russia has been represented in this international organization, and even in the most difficult times for our country, Russian scientists had the opportunity to take an active part in the technical committees of the CIE, to receive the most modern standards and technical leadership of the Commission. Since 1959, the basic organization of the Russian National Committee is VNISI.

Board of Russian NC of the CIE 

President of RNC CIE, Vice-president CIE

Anna Shakhparunyants, General Director of VNISI

Division Director 1 RNC (Vision and colour)

Vladimir Snetkov, Ph.D., Docent of the National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”

Division Director 2 RNC (Physical measurement of light and radiation)

Raisa Stolyarevskaya, Ph.D., VNISI

Division Director 3 RNC (Interior environment and lighting design)

Julian Aizenberg, Ph.D., Professor, Chief-editor of the journal “Light&Engineering”/ ”Svetotekhnika”

Division Director 4 RNC (Transportation and Exterior Applications)

Alexey Korobko, Ph.D., BL GROUP 

Division Director 6 RNC (Photobiology and Photochemistry)

Division Director 6 RNC (Photobiology and Photochemistry)

Division Director 8 RNC (Image Technology)

Vladimir Budak, Ph.D., Professor of the National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”. Editor of the journal “Light&Engineering”/ “Svetotekhnika”

CIE Publications - Premium Source for Knowledge on Light and Lighting

One key activity of the CIE is the publication of technical and scientific work in the form of Technical Reports (TRs), International Standards (ISs) or Technical Notes (TNs). CIE TRs and ISs are the result of the work of CIE Technical Committees (TCs), in the case of ISs these are often further developed as dual logo standards with the ISO or IEC. CIE TRs and ISs are available for purchase via the CIE Webshop.

The members of the National Committee have a unique opportunity to purchase the final publications of the CIE at a special price.

List of CIE publications

CIE web-store


Secretary of Russian NC of the CIE - Pavel Fedorishchev, Head of International department of VNISI

Tel. (495) 682-49-05
