Museum Lighting

About direction

Lighting in museums is a difficult task: it should provide the opportunity for a full observation and perception of exhibits and the creation of a sufficient general level of visual adaptation and light comfort for people, and on the other hand, to ensure the safety of exhibits from the harmful effects of optical radiation. VNISI is carrying out a number of works in this area.

Control of museum lighting parameters

Measures to assess the quality of lighting in museums include monitoring the following parameters:
  • Illumination
  • Exposition
  • Color rendering
  • The distribution of luminance in the observer's field of view
Our experts carry out all the necessary field measurements, as a result of which an appropriate measurement protocol is formed and, if necessary, an expert opinion.

Development of museum lighting standards

Since 2017, the VNISI has been carrying out studies whose primary task is to develop and issue a regulatory document, an industry standard or a guide for museum keepers on lighting engineering, taking into account the LED light sources and technologies and including methods for measuring lighting parameters.

In accordance with the 2019 PNS, in 2019 VNISI developed and presented for public consideration the first revisions of four national standards.
  • GOST R ... "Museum lighting. Terms and Definitions";
  • GOST R ... "Lamps with LEDs for museum lighting. General specifications ";
  • PNST ... "Museum lighting. LED lighting. Norms ";
  • PNST ... "Museum lighting. LED lighting. Methods of measurement of normalized parameters. "

Measurement of parameters of lamps and luminaires designed for lighting

VNISI makes a complex of measurements of the photometric and electrical parameters of lamps and luminaires, in particular, in order to determine the correspondence between the measured values ​​of the parameters and the values ​​declared by the manufacturer.
Modern measuring devices allow you to control the necessary characteristics of devices for museum lighting:
  • measurement of luminous flux and light intensity distribution;
  • measurement of the radiation spectrum of the lighting device;
  • and other measurements of the photometric, colorimetric, spectral and electrical characteristics of the luminaries.